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We are pleased to announce the co-operation of virtualQ with Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier. Find out more about the partnership here.

Cooperation between virtualQ and Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier

Berlin 24/05/2024

We are pleased to announce the cooperation of virtualQ with Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier. Here are the three most important points:

Enhanced service quality:

Thanks to the connection to the Deutsche Telekom network, our customers benefit from maximum data security and outstanding network quality.

Innovative partnership:

virtualQ is one of the first providers to utilise the new ‘Programmable Communication Services’ from Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier.

International orientation:

With this partnership, virtualQ strengthens its international presence and offers customised communication solutions for global customers.

The intelligent contact centre algorithms from virtualQ connect to the telecommunications infrastructure of Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier.

virtualQ, the leading provider of intelligent callback solutions and contact centre optimisation, will use Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier’s Programmable Communication Services with outstanding network quality and the highest data protection and security standards for its callback and product offering.

virtualQ as one of the first users of the new ‘Programmable Communication Services’ of Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier

With the launch of Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier’s new Programmable Communication Services product, virtualQ is one of the first companies to utilise the innovative API access capability of Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier’s communication solutions. This advanced technology makes it possible to offer customised communication solutions that are precisely tailored to the specific needs of customers.

With Telekom, our callback system has gained a strong partner with excellent market knowledge, extensive experience and an established name. We are delighted to be able to serve our target groups even better with this partnership’

The solution from virtualQ fits perfectly with what we as Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier offer companies with our CPaaS products. As a market-leading provider of intelligent call-back solutions and due to the prevalence of its products in well-known large companies, virtualQ is an ideal partner for us for the introduction of our new Programmable Communication Services’

The partnership between virtualQ and Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier brings numerous advantages for virtualQ customers and partners.

The collaboration strengthens virtualQ’s international orientation

With this connection, virtualQ is also further advancing its international claim. Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier’s Programmable Communication Services exclusively uses European sub-providers with strict European data protection standards. Access to Deutsche Telekom’s high-quality and reliable network also guarantees the exceptional service quality that virtualQ provides to its customers.

Outstanding solutions and prominent partnerships

The bundling of Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier’s highly secure telecommunications services with virtualQ’s advanced intelligent call volume management algorithms is an excellent combination that meets the requirements of global companies, health insurance companies, financial institutions and sensitive public institutions & authorities.

With this innovative collaboration, virtualQ is positioning itself at the forefront of contact centre technology development to revolutionise and meet the demands for secure and modern callback solutions.

Images of virtualQ and the Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier

ITW 2024 - Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier Announcement Collaboration with virtualQ

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We are pleased to announce the co-operation of virtualQ with Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier. Find out more about the partnership

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