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A study has shown that 87% of German callers will only accept a maximum hold time of three minutes or less. “The fact is that we also have clear peak times in our call centers when only a fraction of customers can be directly put through to an advisor. Other times, meanwhile, we are hardly utilizing our capacity – although of course the customer does not know that,” explains Michael Chriske from PowerService GmbH, a subsidiary of MediaMarktSaturn Germany. “It was precisely this that we wanted to address in collaboration with startup virtualQ.”

Wait and callback management technology from virtualQ is designed to better distribute peak and idle periods in order to optimize capacity utilization within a service center. In reality, this means that if a customer calls at a peak time and the call center is working to capacity, virtualQ will offer them an automatic callback in the near future, as soon as an advisor becomes available. The aim is not only to increase customer satisfaction in the long term, but also to reduce pressure on employees in the call center and ultimately reduce costs through improved use of resources.

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Employees of N3XT and PowerService GmbH launched an initial three-month pilot project at the start of April 2019 to see how the virtualQ technology would fare in action. “Since the concept was in theory full of potential, we wanted to launch an initial pilot as quickly as possible, ideally well ahead of the Black Friday rush. At that time virtualQ was still completely fresh on the market, but we were immediately convinced by the quality and flexibility of its product,” explains Sonja Moosburger, Managing Director of MediaMarktSaturn N3XT GmbH.

And the pilot was a success. After just one month and the Easter sales, the technology had proven itself. The figures clearly show that 48% of all waiting customers used the service, which in turn allowed the hold time of MediaMarkt and Saturn customers to be reduced by 3,479 hours and staff idle times by around 1,000 hours a month. Based on these results, the collaboration with virtualQ is also set to continue beyond the pilot phase.

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MediaMarktSaturn, Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer, conducted a pilot with virtualQ in order to make their contact centers more efficient…with success! Download this white paper to keep this basic guide one click away on your local computer or phone.

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Article reference: (View original article – IN GERMAN – here)

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