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The top 5 effects on your customer service & 14 typical use cases.

Callback and appointment solutions for every channel.

perfect solution for your industrie.

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the virtualQ solutions

Let us inspire you! virtualQ allows you to use the latest technologies such as AI and machine learning within a tried-and-test solution portfolio that works.
Whether you are looking to manage regular call peaks, be prepared for unexpected rushes, or reduce customer churn, virtualQ is your go-to provider and a reliable source of support for your sales & marketing team. Discover our solutions – and feel free to contact us to find out more.

Efficiency and reachability

Offer maximum reachability around the clock with up to 20% more efficiency. Maximize employee utilisation using automated call volume management with intelligent call flow optimisation and AI-based callbacks.

Peak management

Whether regular call peaks, unexpected contact overloads, or a constantly high workload in the service center: with virtualQ’s intelligent callback system, you can automatically manage call peaks, reduce your customers’ waiting times, and deploy human resources optimally as call volumes become predictable.

Leads & sales generation

Pick up your potential customers at the points where they currently leave the buying process. With virtualQ, you can proactively support your potential customers in case of questions and uncertainties, increasing the likelihood of closing a deal. Don’t lose any more leads – and increase your sales immediately!

Increased customer and employee loyalty

Unique service excellence with callbacks accurate to the second, including on-hold announcements and appointment requests based on your individual business goals. Inspire your callers and reduce stress on your employees at the same time.

Tech enablement

Increase the level of automation in your service center and improve your processes. Connect bots, chats, and e-mail campaigns across channels.

Your message to virtualQ

Our solutions are safe!

  • virtualQ is ISO 27001 certified
  • Our data centres also have
    TISAX, ISO 27001, C5, SOC 2, and FINNMA certifications
  • We have an in-house Senior Information & Security Specialist
  • We use a certified Data Protection Officer
  • We encrypt with HTTPS and AES
  • Personal data is minimised
  • We conduct regular penetration tests
  • We offer an individual dekletion concept
  • Our staff undergo regular data risk training
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virtuaQ – ist die eine Datengeriebene und smarte KI die automatisierende Rückruf-Lösung für Unternehmen & Organisationen anbietet. Die Ihre Sales- oder Service- Verbindungen zu Ihren Kunden glättet. Dadurch können Sie relevante Business-Effekte erzielen:

Efficiency Booster

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Lead Engine

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Loyalty Driver

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Peak Helper

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Alle Lösungen


Peak Management

Curn Reduction

Cost Reduction


Dauerbelastung / zuviele Anrufe


Zur Übersicht