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A Roadmap for Modern Call Centers
In Times Of The Switching Economy

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Customer-facing departments are bombarded with buzzwords, concepts, recommendations and advices how to serve and engage with one of the most important company assets – the customer. However, the complexity in building, maintaining and constantly innovating a seamless customer experience is real. The continuum between old-fashioned and cutting-edge customer service is large. New technologies arise at an extraordinary speed and change the possibilities of executing marketing, sales and customer service. Customers, but also employees of different generations embrace the technological opportunities in their own ways. Finding the right omnichannel strategy is still a severe challenge for most large established companies. Organizational silos, outdated technology and a risk-averse corporate culture contradict an agile, data-driven and digitally-enabled work environment that fosters experimentation, which sometimes also comes with failure. However, all this does not imply that large organizations have to embrace a start-up mind-set. In fact, we argue that large enterprises need to keep a healthy distance to CX hypes and have to evolve their customer service at their own speed. Getting inspired by new methods is essential to ensure a successful long-term strategy. Nonetheless, finding easy and effective solutions for urgent problems should come first. The “death of the call center” has been propagated by many opinion leaders. Various surveys contradict this and show that up to 73% of customers still prefer service calls over email communication, social media or web chats.¹ Optimizing your call center instead of offering all available communication channels or excessively automating your service department seems like a reasonable and effective move to avoid losing customers due to lacking service quality.

What you can expect

In this white paper we provide you with an overview of current trends in customer service with a pragmatic outlook. We consider ourselves as innovators, but we know that small changes and continuous improvement efforts have a greater impact on customer satisfaction in practice than the launch of trending communication tools. We provide you with guidance on how to evaluate technology vendors and how to ensure that you develop towards an excellent and modern customer-centric organization beyond dominating hypes.

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