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virtualQ supplies a software solution for intelligent wait and callback management in the call center industry. This means that instead of spending seemingly endless periods on hold, callers are informed via SMS, callback or push notification as soon as a customer advisor is available to talk. The ADAC, Europe’s biggest automobile association, tested the smart callback model as part of a five-month pilot project. The results were impressive, with 283,600 minutes of hold time avoided.

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The ADAC has around 20.8 million members, who address the majority of their concerns to its call center agents. The pilot project with virtualQ was conducted with the “Legal Advice” department, which handles queries relating to traffic and accident law. The call volume here comes to in excess of 14,200 contacts per month. The challenge was to create a positive customer experience while ensuring maximum efficiency of the call center agents. To achieve this, call peaks had to be leveled and distributed predictably throughout the day.

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The ADAC made system interfaces and selected data sets available to virtualQ for the pilot phase. The software startup adapted its solution to the customer service’s needs and implemented customized hold time management and callback services. The intelligent callback management system achieved not only a saving of over 283,600 minutes of hold time, but also more cost-effective planning capability for the department and a significant rise in customer satisfaction. In addition to certainty in their planning, the customer was given the feeling of being able to use the time up to the callback productively. This again shortened call handling time, as the tone of the conversation was considerably more relaxed and employees were subjected to less stress.

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The outcome of the pilot phase convinced the ADAC to integrate the software solution from virtualQ into its customer service system in the long term. The idea of using voice solutions to provide an instant answer to recurring customer inquiries in the future is also under discussion. The Stuttgart startup completed the UnternehmerTUM “TechFounders” 20-week accelerator program. The tech accelerator initiated the five-month pilot project with the ADAC within the framework of this program.

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Gerrit Pohl, Chief Digital Officer at ADAC, on the partnership:

“As a TechFounders industry partner, we have access to innovative solutions from agile startups. This kind of cooperation is very valuable and makes it possible to continuously develop our core business and also open up new fields of business.”

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The ADAC, Europe’s biggest automobile association, tested the smart callback model as part of a five-month pilot project. The results were impressive, with 283,600 minutes of hold time avoided.

Download this white paper to keep this basic guide one click away on your local computer or phone.

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