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The top 5 effects on your customer service & 14 typical use cases.

Callback and appointment solutions for every channel.

perfect solution for your industrie.

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Use case:
Sustainable cost reduction and efficiency gains

Saving valuable budget with efficient staff deployment and reduced customer churn.

Use Case:
Sustainable cost reduction and efficiency gains

Save valuable budget through efficient staff deployment and reduced customer churn.

Valuable savings with AI-based automations


  • Employees are not optimally utilized throughout the day, e.g. overworked during peak times and underworked at quieter times.
  • High costs in cases of call overflow to external service providers
  • Persistent employee turnover including high replacement costs
  • High cost per contact due to suboptimal internal contact control and routings


  • Peak call times are eased by means of intelligent callbacks
  • Callbacks are swiftly distributed to existing staff based on capacity
  • Automated contact control is introduced between 1st / 2nd / 3rd level


  • Optimal, reliable planning and consistent employee capacity utilization
  • Cost reduction to the order of 10-20%
  • Call overflow to external service providers reduced
  • KPIs such as reachability improved
  • Manual work and cost per contact reduced
  • Fluctuation rate minimized

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virtuaQ – ist die eine Datengeriebene und smarte KI die automatisierende Rückruf-Lösung für Unternehmen & Organisationen anbietet. Die Ihre Sales- oder Service- Verbindungen zu Ihren Kunden glättet. Dadurch können Sie relevante Business-Effekte erzielen:

Efficiency Booster

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Lead Engine

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Loyalty Driver

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Peak Helper

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Alle Lösungen


Peak Management

Curn Reduction

Cost Reduction


Dauerbelastung / zuviele Anrufe


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